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How Being Married Has Saved Me Money

Despite marrying into debt, getting married has been a GREAT financial decision.

Before getting married, the only “debt” I had was my mortgage.

Then, I married into various loans my husband had. Although it meant we collectively had a significant chunk of debt, it also meant other MAJOR financial benefits.

Let’s take a look at all the ways being married has helped me financially.

Car Insurance 

Prior to being married, I bundled my home and auto insurance. However, once I got married, I was able to take advantage of the multi-car discount, as well as a lower rate since apparently being married makes me a safer driver? No idea, but gladly took the lesser price.

Health Insurance

Okay, so this is one that has saved us a lot of money as a couple. A money perk in marriage or domestic partnership is being able to compare health insurance plans between both partners’ jobs. While my plan turned out to be the better one, the total cost of health insurance between the two of us is MUCH lower than if we were paying on two separate plans.

Buying in Bulk

Meal prepping and buying in bulk are able to be made even more efficient with another person. Simple as that. My spouse and I belong to Costco and LOVE it (we do miss the pre-Covid free samples though).

Share Bills

I bought my house before I got married, or even engaged.  Living in a high cost of living area, I was paying for my mortgage, utilities, cable/internet, etc. Once my husband moved in and started contributing towards these bills, it was AMAZING.  We also got on the same phone plan, which lowered my cell phone bill.


This goes along with the prior one a bit, but it’s much easier to find someone to split Airbnb/hotel costs when you’re married to your travel partner.  I still travel with friends and have traveled alone too (after extending a work trip), but this is one of the most fun financial benefits I’ve found!

Accountability Partner

So, this one isn’t really about a specific area in which I saved money by being married.  Instead, by having an accountability partner, we both are less likely to splurge or make less than ideal financial decisions.  By having to discuss purchases before making them, discussing priorities, and planning out expenses together, I find it easier to stay on track.

Now, while we still have debt payments to make, I’ve been able to cut costs and save money in so many other ways.  As a result, I truly do feel as though getting married has been a great financial decision.  It’s weird to even think about marriage being a financial decision, but at the end of the day, there are many legal and financial consequences tied to it. While it will be even better once the debt is paid off, the financial perks are just an added bonus since let’s be real… I didn’t get married for the money!